Tuesday, September 13, 2016



"Happiness is not something that exists in a faraway place. It's is within us. Faith is what taps and opens that happiness within. As long as your faith remains strong, whatever decision you make, it will take you in the best possible direction. Buddhism is reason, and faith is the driving force in our lives.

"The important thing is never to stray away from the great path of kosen-rufu. No matter what happens, no matter what hardship you may face, never abandon your faith. Throughout your life, wherever you may go in the world, persevere in your faith with steadiness, humility and determination. If you quit, you will be defeated.

"Faith is meaningless unless we carry it through until the very end. If we dont persevere in faith, we can't transform our karma or build a foundation for genuine happiness. But people have a tendency to be defeated by their own weakness. They may practise in earnest for a time, but then grow cowardly when faced with opposition or criticism  to their faith. Or when they fall ill or hit a deadlock, they may become fainthearted and start having doubts.

"Others abandon their faith because of a grudge held against another member arising from some minor personal conflict and then leave the Soka Gakkai the harmonious community of lay believers with a direct connection to the Buddha.  

To avoid this, it is important that we base our lives not on our subjective emotions but on the teachings of Buddhism and the Gosho.

"I am looking forward to your victory. I want to see you shining in triumph"

President Ikeda
New Human Revolution, Vol 9

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