Sunday, January 1, 2017



Our karma is made by no one but ourselves; it is something we have created in our past lives. Our karma is formed through the accumulation of three types of action - our deeds, words and thoughts - that is, what we have done, what we have said, what we have thought and felt.

For example, acts such as deceiving others, causing unhappiness or taking other's lives create negative karma.

After we die, our lives merge into the vast whole, the life of the universe. Death, President Toda said, is like going to sleep at night, while embarking on the next life is like waking up refreshed from sleep to begin a new day. Life is like a continuous cycle of sleeping and waking.

The most important point here is that our karma does not vanish after we die; it continues on into the next life. It's like when we borrow money from someone one day: the debt remains when we wake up the next morning. Similarly, the sufferings of this life will continue in the next. If we die writhing in unbearable pain and agony in this lifetime, we will be born having to bear the same agony in the next. Death offers no escape from our karma. Therefore, committing suicide offers no release from suffering.

If on the other hand, we attain a secure state of happiness and end our days savoring profound joy, we will be born amid good circumstances in the next life and move towards a happy existence.

Source: President Ikeda:The New Human Revolution, Volume 3, Chapter 1

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