Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Solution is Always Daimoku

Solution is Always Daimoku

"The solution is always daimoku and if you don’t believe that, then chant to believe it. Chant to have the courage to take action. Chant to pullout of your life what you need and when you need it. The moment you feel weak, fight back. President Ikeda says even if you get knocked down five times, get up six. Always have the spirit to get up. We can change anything in the moment. We can change this moment and tomorrow. We must be courageous; we must challenge those things that we do not believe we can achieve. If we never challenge the impossible, we can never, ever know the full power of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo."
- Linda Johnson


ivy said...

Very profound

ivy said...

Very profound

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing
Nam myoho renge Kyo

Unknown said...

Thanks for reminding me ☺

Little Brown Princess said...

Can we find where this was originally printed, source?