Quotes by Sensei Ikeda
"Our prayers are answered only to the extent that we exert ourselves to realize the Buddha’s wish for the happiness of all humanity. The Gohonzon (Mystic Law) has no obligation to answer our prayers. It has not asked us to chant to it. We request the privilege of being allowed to pray to the Gohonzon. If we have such a sense of gratitude and appreciation, our prayers will be answered more quickly."
"There are no Buddhas who suffer in poverty forever. And just as there are no cruel or malicious Buddhas, so too are there no weak, pallid Buddhas who allow life to defeat them. A Buddha is another name for a person who is determined to win no matter what."
"Even a cave that has been in total darkness for millions of years will become brightly illuminated the moment a light is brought inside. Only your practice of faith can ignite the flame of happiness within your heart." Please chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to your Hearts content.
"No matter what your circumstance, it is your ichinen of faith that enables you to open the palaces of happiness that exists within you and establish a life that is fulfilled in every respect. This is the purpose of faith and Buddhist practice. Your powerful ichinen directed towards the Gohonzon and the accomplishment of kosen-rufu will cause every aspect of your life to unfold"
"It is important to live true to yourself. If you become strong, then no matter how trying your present situation may be, you will not be daunted by it. Even if you are struggling financially now, as long as you continue making efforts based on faith, you will eventually find that you have the money you need. Even the most painful and difficult situations will, when viewed from the distance of time, seem like the events of a dream."
"In life there are times when you may face a slump. At times you may also suffer from illness or family problems, have trouble with your children, or experience difficulties in your relationships with other people. However, Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is a great law which enables one to change poison into medicine. Through faith, everything serves to transform one's life into one which manifests the enlightened properties of eternity, happiness, true self and purity."
"I am always praying that you and your families will enjoy good health and abundant fortune. Please win in all your endeavours. Please make your family a “fountainhead of faith” and create a brilliant flow of great good fortune that will extend to your children and coming generations, and across the three existences of past, present and future."
Thank you very much for the invaluable advice.
Source or Newsletter of this guidance please 🙏🏻
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