Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Formula to Achieve Victory

The Formula to achieve victory
"Start by writing down your dreams or goals on a piece of paper. There is something really magical about the written word. Writing down what you want to do will put you on the path in that direction. By the way, scientists have also recently found that writing your goals down on paper stimulates the brain and makes you want to try to achieve those goals.

After writing down your goals, chant about them. Nichiren Daishonin says: "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion". Like the roar of a lion, the king of beasts, Daimoku is the greatest source of strength that nothing can defeat. When you chant Daimoku the lion like courage and determination to realize your goals and dreams will well up inside you. The next step is to take action.

In SGI we have the winning rhythm of setting goals, chanting about them and taking action to realize them. I hope all of you will make "Decide, Chant & Act one of your mottoes and win each and every day.

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. However, if you use those hours wisely, you can accomplish a week's worth of effort in a day or 10 years' worth of effort in a year. I have lived my life with that spirit..."
(VC July 2013, pg 100-101)
- Sensei Ikeda

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