Sunday, August 14, 2016

There is nothing we cannot achieve with Nam-myoho-renge-kyo

There is nothing we cannot achieve with Nam-myoho-renge-kyo

We must understand that there is nothing we cannot achieve with Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. There is no problem bigger than that. When you pray, take the responsibility through your prayer that you will help another human being have a breakthrough. Take the responsibility for your leader to win, for your husband to win, for your teacher or your boss to win. Anything that you run from, anything that you separate from will cause you to lose all your power as a human being. Connect to your pains; connect to your suffering – in the sense of owning it & deciding that you will take the responsibility to change it. When you stay connected & take that kind of responsibility for your life - because it’s the choice you made about the way to live your life – you will be empowered. You will learn that the only limitations that you ultimately have – and will ever have – are the ones you put on yourself.

This is truly a magnificent practice. Decide that you owe it to yourself to have the most wonderful life – a life in which you’re able to joyfully use everything to create undeniable joy & value, a life in which you take the responsibility to create precisely the kind of life that you want for yourself. A life where you no longer live reacting to where everybody else is but instead become the kind of person that sets the example for everything you want everyone else to be.
-From Linda Johnson's article in Living Buddhism

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